Eye Pain

Experiencing acute or chronic eye pain can be alarming and, in some cases, physically debilitating. At Precision Optometry in Rocklin, CA, we understand how unsettling it can be to deal with eye pain. Whether you're noticing a gradual ache developing behind your eyes or dealing with intense, unexplained throbbing, Precision Optometry is here to provide expert care. If you need a thorough eye exam from a trusted optometrist, turn to Precision Optometry for comprehensive eye care.

Eye Pain

Causes of Eye Pain

Eye pain can manifest in various forms and can be caused by a range of factors. Understanding the underlying causes of your eye pain is crucial for effective treatment. Here are some common causes of eye pain:

- Glaucoma: Glaucoma encompasses a group of eye disorders characterized by increased intraocular pressure (IOP). This pressure can damage the optic nerve, leading to symptoms such as eye pain, blurred vision, and headache. Glaucoma requires prompt attention to prevent serious vision loss.

- Abrasions: Corneal abrasions occur when the surface layer of the cornea is scratched or damaged. This can cause sharp pain, redness, and intense sensitivity to light. Abrasions can result from accidental injury, foreign objects, or rubbing the eyes too hard.

- Dry Eyes: Dry eyes are a common issue and can lead to significant discomfort. When the eyes do not produce enough moisture or when the tears evaporate too quickly, it can cause dryness, irritation, and a gritty feeling. Chronic dry eyes can be exacerbated by environmental factors or underlying conditions.

- Allergies: Allergic reactions can cause a range of symptoms, including watery, burning, and itchy eyes. Common allergens like pollen, dust, and pet dander can trigger these symptoms and lead to eye pain or discomfort.

- Strain: Prolonged screen time and excessive use of digital devices can lead to digital eye strain. Symptoms include eye pain, dryness, and fatigue. Poor lighting and improper screen distance can contribute to this condition.

- Infections: Various eye infections, including viral and bacterial conjunctivitis (pink eye), can cause eye pain. Symptoms may include redness, swelling, discharge, and a sensation of grittiness.

Effective Treatments for Various Types of Eye Pain

When dealing with eye pain, it is essential to seek professional advice to determine the most appropriate treatment. Here are some potential treatments that an optometrist may recommend:

- Vision Therapy: For individuals struggling with chronic eye strain or discomfort, vision therapy may be an option. This therapy involves exercises designed to improve visual function and alleviate symptoms of eye strain.

- Artificial Tears: Chronic dry eyes can benefit from the use of artificial tears. Both prescription eye drops and over-the-counter options can help lubricate the eyes and provide relief from dryness and irritation.

- Medication: Depending on the underlying cause of the eye pain, medication may be prescribed. This can include oral medications or topical eye drops to address inflammation, infections, or seasonal allergies.

- Lifestyle Adjustments: Simple changes to your daily routine can also help reduce eye strain and discomfort. Using proper eyewear, minimizing screen time, and ensuring appropriate lighting can make a significant difference.

Contact Precision Optometry in Rocklin, CA

If you're experiencing unexplained eye pain, seeing an eye doctor in Rocklin, CA, is highly recommended. At Precision Optometry, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive eye care and addressing the root cause of your symptoms. To learn more about eye pain and explore potential treatments, contact Precision Optometry today to schedule a consultation with an eye doctor near you.

No insurance? No problem!

Comprehensive eye exams including a retinal scan: $130.00, Contact lens fittings will be an additional $50.00 - $110.00

Call us anytime to schedule an appointment!

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